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With a legacy spanning since 1964, Bishop Raymond Rivera has worn many hats– from pastor and preacher to denominational executive, organization founder, and community builder. In 1992, he laid the cornerstone for the Latino Pastoral Action Center, originally emerging as a division of the venerable NYC Mission Society, the city’s preeminent social service agency. Throughout his journey, Bishop Rivera has been a beacon of guidance, offering leadership development and technical expertise to numerous churches and faith-based organizations across the nation.
He was born and raised in East Harlem, which was the cultural center of Puerto Rican life in New York back then. His conversion came at age fifteen in a store-front Pentecostal Church, a process which began when he entered a dance hall because he heard the music. He thought it might be a social club, but actually, it was a Pentecostal service. Within the week, he said, “I gave my life to the Lord.” After that, he began a rapid move into ministry. He soon attended a Bible institute, and by the age of nineteen, he had his first pastorate. As he put it, “In indigenous Pentecostalism, one doesn’t need lots of education. The idea was to give you the toughest pastorate, and if you made it, you were called!” His first church went from 9 to 300 in about 6 years.
This inspiring book is for any
Christian who wants to learn
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
This inspiring book is for any and all Christians who want to learn how to bring hope and redemption to their communities – for those who are ready to step beyond their comfort zone, leave the status quo behind, and take up Christ’s call to minister within a world crying out for the freedom only God can bring. Rich theological insights and extensive personal experience inform the message of longtime pastor and community builder Raymond Rivera.
“Liberty to the Captives” serves as a thought-provoking exploration of captivity and liberation in various contexts. By engaging with the questions posed at the end of each chapter, readers are prompted to delve deeper into the themes discussed and consider their implications on personal beliefs, actions, and contributions to society. The book challenges individuals to reflect on their interactions with captivity, power dynamics, community engagement, and addresses the importance of taking a stand against oppressive forces. Through contemplation and introspection prompted by the reflective questions, readers are encouraged to explore ways to promote freedom, justice, and empowerment in their own lives and communities.
“Rivera's 'Liberty to the Captives' is a spiritual wake-up call, urging Christians to step out of their comfort zones and into action. It challenged me to put my faith into practice like never before.”
“As a woman of faith, 'Liberty to the Captives' deeply resonated with me. Rivera's insights and reflective questions prompted real introspection and a readiness to act.”
“Rivera's perspective on liberation and community engagement spoke to my experiences on a deeper level. 'Liberty to the Captives' isn't just for Christians; it's for anyone who believes in empathy and action.”
“Liberty to the Captives' isn't your typical religious read; it's raw and honest about faith in action. Rivera challenges readers to reevaluate priorities and engage with communities for justice.”
“Reading 'Liberty to the Captives' felt like a heartfelt conversation with a wise mentor. Rivera's blend of theology and personal stories inspires action and emphasizes the importance of being the change you want to see in the world.”
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